No, chances are almost 100% that your phone does not have a virus, unless you using a Nokia Symbian OS, or Android, iPhone , Windows Mobile or even other smart phone operating systems. Even when you are running a smart phone OS, chances are almost nil that you have a virus on your phone, though probably it could have malware, which I will explain in my next post. Question : So why do people keep saying that their phones have viruses, if the probability of the phone having a virus is almost zero? Answer : Software Bugs Other than smart phones, most phones such as Samsung and Nokia have custom manufacturer operating systems is software that has been written to run on that particular model of phone, or a group of models. The phone OS (OS is Operating System) is what enables you to call , message, surf or load Opera Mini on a java enabled phone. If your phone starts having issues, the biggest been hanging, inability to read memory cards, or drop calls- either refuse ...