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The Desperate Quest for the Faithful Guy

Image Artist - Unknown
I came across this tweet yesterday evening - "The higher a man's IQ , the more sexually faithful he tends to be." I laughed hard,and shed a few tears, not tears of joy, but tears of pity at the many ladies who were retweeting it, weeping for their desperation.

The statement ranks in truth to the other popular statement that refers to all men as dogs - lying and cheating bastards.

Both statements are what should be referred to as fallacies, defined by Wikipedia as  "incorrect argumentation in reasoning resulting in a misconception or presumption. By accident or design, fallacies may exploit emotional triggers in the listener or interlocutor (appeal to emotion), or take advantage of social relationships between people (e.g. argument from authority). Fallacious arguments are often structured using rhetorical patterns that obscure any logical argument."

Notice above where it says "fallacies may exploit emotional triggers"?

 Men are animals - this I agree. On top of being animals, men have intelligence, or IQ, and that is where the problem starts.

Animals, such as lions, or even the dogs that we are often referred to, have natural inborn tendencies where the male seeks to copulate with as many females as it can. Natural selection  dictates that the strongest animal will impregnate as many females as it can, and outdo the weaker males.

With the strongest male having its features propagated, it becomes easier for the species to survive natural disasters and calamities, such as floods, predators (outrun them) and disease.

Back to human beings. As mentioned earlier, they are animals, and again , they have IQ. IQ varies from low to high, a man with no IQ may be closer to an animals sexual behaviour, or not.

While many men may cheat due to their primal urgencies, their chances of getting caught, arguably, will decrease with increase in their IQ - the clever ones will get away with it.

However, clever men do not necessarily cheat. Clever men tend to be successful and have high public profiles. They join other popular figures such as rich sportsmen, musician and actors in a small list - a small list where many women want to sleep with them, and have their children. Remember about the strongest animals having the most females? Same story here - Nature is keen on distributing their wealth and favourable characteristics, hence they attract  more women.

While sportsmen, actors and musicians might worry less about their reputation if they slept around, clever men are more worried about maintaining their reputation. This also varies from culture to culture, in the example of  Bill Clinton against  Jacob Zuma.

The situation of men cheating gets even more complex when you discover that ladies generally reward men who cheat. A "good" guy is more likely to be lonely compared to a "bad" guy, mostly due to the "bad" guy having more desirable characteristics.

Women also tend to throw caution to the wind when dealing with their lovers, a man who is not trustworthy to other people will, entirely or at some point,  not be trustworthy to you. The fact that he is your man does not make him an angel.

There are "good" men in this world, the kind that does not cheat, but nobody seems to want them. If you are patient enough, you will find them.

In unrelated matters, ladies, a most ladies have given an independent opinion that I am exceptionally handsome.


Jey Gichuhi said…
nicest! question is, whatever shall the good men do...have we naturally become option number 2?
DaddyScope said…
Jay, the meek shall inherit.

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