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Broadcast & Film Africa: Kenyan perception on Local content

I recently undertook a survey amongst my friends and subscribers to the Skunkworks and Kictanet mailing lists as to their perceptions on local content. Amongst the survey questions, were their feelings on marketing of content and additional remarks.

Below are the responses of the 40 survey respondents.

A big thanks to all those who took part.

Do you believe content producers are doing enough to market their content in Africa? Why do you say so?
  1. Currently yes, I have seen alot of facebook adverts
  2. No. No market surveys to determine how much people are actually willing to pay, no consideration for average income of the market...
  3. NO. They also know the quality needs some work.
  4. "nope - if they were, then when something hip comes out; then they wud advertise like the BoxOffice does - before popularity wanes.
  5. They shud also make it readily available thru various distribution while the content is still in demand - sadly they dont."
  7. there is nothing to market (thats wasting money on crap)
  8. No they aren't. Not only in marketing but also in content quality. There's a lot of mediocre content out there, and the good stuff doesn't get enough awareness advertising.
  9. They producers are doing the best they can. Most probably due to lack of proper sponsorship or funding, the quality is compromised.
  10. No. There is little to no advertising of content be it music, movies, plays, etc. Just the occasional ad in the papers.
  11. No. they lack the means to do so.
  12. No. Very few are. There is little migration of existing (past) productions into digital form. THe only television program to actively embrace digital distribution, as far as I know, is the XYZ show.
  13. No.
  14. No..There are no clear distribution of content, more so there is no enough Marketing of their products
  15. No. Content not easily accessed either physically or online.
  16. No. they operate in a very small market. They need to spread their market base and use the internet,social sites more.See the success of 'Just a Band' and Sauti Sol
  18. No.they are more interested in being more recognised beyond the african borders.
  19. I don't think so. Possibly they do not have sufficient funds to market their products over the cost of production. 
  20. Nope
  21. No. Distribution of locally produced media is really low. I can go into music shops and not find any local music that I like. The type of music that the youth like is hardly ever stocked in shops. The next step is online marketing if they aim to target the youth. Twitter and Facebook are so cheap to advertise on, yet so many artistes don't make use of them.
  22. "NO.
  23. minimal or no advertising. at most times they are virtually unknown.
  24. local TV media filled by foreign content."
  25. No they are not doing enough to market their contents in Africa instead they are trying so much to copy the Western styles
  26. -
  27. No, i think they need to understand that there is need for Producers , Marketers and Distributors so that market deman can be satisfied.
  28. They are not doing enough due to economic problems- they do not have money to market or outsource the marketing aspect to other players. The marketing channels are also expensive and need research to identify effective marketing communication, channels and strategies
  29. "Content providers have done taken commendable steps in the past 5 years and Kudos to them.
  30. However partnerships with Mobole operators remain few and sketchy, it is time they focused on mobile content as this is the next frontier.
  31. I believe Local contnt that is captivaring, relevant , affordable and well done will always trounce the international stuff that unfortunately we have become accostomed to."
  32. No they are not. They seem to pay too much attention on the production that they forget to market their content enough. 
  33. A crossection of content producers have taken the marketing thing to heart and are promoting the hell out of both online and offline channels. but they tend to see it as more of a numbers game than quality interaction with their consumers thus create no lasting bond.
  34. In Kenya, no, because you can see that the distribution channel isn't as wide as of that of for example Nigeria or South Africa. It is rare for a Kenyan to go into a supermarket in Nigeria and find a Kenyan digital content, but it's easy to go to a supermarket in Kenya and find a Nigerian digital content
Any additional remarks on locally produced content?
  1. They need to meet the standards we are used to internationally. Its not about the fact that its local, we need to improve on quality
  2. Consider the bottom of the pyramid, aim for volumes such that counterfeiting is not worth anyones while.. 
  3. nope
  5. some creative, more natural stuff sells itself. tv is still the same shit since we first owned a black and white tv. well there's a few exceptions like Mother in law, shuga, capital talk, etc but most stuff remains wanting especially documentaries. ever noticed how all tv stations show a one minute clock before news? maybe am the only one who gets irritated by it.
  6. "The skills are there, just not being used or people are too lazy. Instead of building a good set for a music video, artists just dance in front of a house, etc. Boring.
  7. Plus there is no originality at all."
  8. It requires marketing support.
  9. Mobile/Internet service providers should ideally support content distribution through adequate bandwidth allocation and content hosting.
  10. We have long way to go but its important not to lose originality.
  11. We have good actors,producers and creative people,all they need is to create a platform to showcase their work. Some of the editing needs work as well as the scripts etc. Keep it simple,Keep it local and it will sell.Don't be too focused on aping American or other Western culture,
  13. Most of the music produced in kenya provides no relevant info which wud be worth much. The movie industry has a long way to go with professionalism lacking in great deal. 
  14. Piracy is killing the local industry. Taking a walk down river road you can buy any sort of locally produced soaps in vanacular but I'm very certain that the content owners do not make a dime from the sales.
  15. NOne
  16. Need to put some professionalism into the industry. only high quality content can gain interest from people
  17. -
  18. So far we are doing a great job, there is need for more local languages to be used.
  19. Some of the materials are poorly packaged and do not last or at times dissappoint the consumer like video and music contents packaged in poor quality
  20. we should improve on distributions channels


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