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Tuskys Bread Versus Ukwala Sukuma Wiki

Ukwala is a relatively cheapaffordable supermarket. The exact same good sold in Nakumatt, Tuskys and Ukwala chain of stores will most of the time cost less in Ukwala. For example, I was recently looking at a Kenpoly Plastic rack that comes with 3,4,5 or 6 compartments that I saw in a friends house.

My friend, wait, colleagues says that the rack set him slightly more than kshs 2000 at Nakumatt. It is quite a good looking rack and adds up to the spruced up appearance of his house.Why he doesn't have a girlfriend beats me.n This is not to say I have one, neither do I deny.Also,my house is the equivalent of the Commonwealth Games in India,something a relative once described as a dustbin, and for this reason , "No Visitors" policy remains.

Back to the Kenpoly rack, the rack is available in most Nakumatt stores and at least one Ukwala store that I visited. As for Tuskys, I have never figured how they operate big stores that competing stores beat when it comes to variety. For this reason, when shopping for variety, I am more inclined to visit Nakumatt or Ukwala.

Back again to the Kenpoly rack, I mentioned earlier that the rack will set you more than Kshs. 2,000 in Nakumatt for the 4 compartment variety. However, you will be surprised to find that the same costs less than Kshs. 1,500 in Ukwala. Why the Kshs. 500 difference, I don't know, but I think economists call it market segmentation.

That is not the only advantage of shopping in Ukwala. Ukwala stocks fresh vegetables, just like the rest, but the prices here, esp for Sukuma Wiki would put your mama mboga out of business. Sadly, they don't slice up the veges for you like the Mama mboga. Talking of Mama mboga, am yet to figure out why her sukuma wiki are hard and plastic looking. Is she selling Genetically Modified Organisms?

Another area where Ukwala scores a point is on the spot that I inevitably find myself in when innocently shopping, the Alcoholic Beverages section. This section is absent in Tuskys who have a policy of not mixing their faith spirits on the shelves. The discussion of whether drinking is unchristian is one am willing to indulge in only when drunk.

Ukwala has also introduced a new bakeries section featuring a variety of fresh bakeries including croissants, at a price that makes Bakers Inn look like shameless blood suckers.

However, despite all those, I have several times walked into Ukwala, picked a product from the shelf, but before picking the next product, dropped the product back and run out of the store like I saw a ghost. The next destination after this maneuver is Tuskys, where I pick what I had earlier picked at Ukwala, and the next product, Tuskys bread.

You see, bread is not the same. There is bread, good bread and then there is Tuskys bread. There is something about Tuskys bread. Tuskys bread can make you get late for your wedding, or even break up with a girl cause of her distasteful taste of bread. Tuskys bread was created in heaven. Tuskys bread is rarely on the shelf and you have to queue for it when the bread section is full of loaves. A loaf of Tuskys bread is the shit. Tuskys bread is the reason I will shop in Tuskys when buying small items.

Ukwala supermarkets should learn from their Indian friends, Bharti Airtel, and outsource Ukwala bread to Tuskys, or better yet, sell Tuskys bread or even best of all, get the equipment, the recipe and a few staff from Tuskys Bread Heaven.


Anonymous said…
Nice article.


Anonymous said…
Something makes Ukwala look soo 1998 but i'll head there n do a review once again.

nice article!
Dennis Kioko said…
Thanks for the reads. Ukwala is ok if you looking for price bargains and they really picking up. Surprisingly enough, they do not stock baked beans!

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