Delhi Gurgaon, New Delhi This bit has been written months after the former bit. Sadly, I have little medium and long term memory, the omissions may be glaring. It is continued from part I We got to Delhi at almost 2 AM in the thick of the night. Delhi is an expansive city, with lighting on and off, a greater part of the city is illuminated, and the main roads around the city can be mapped from the air. There’s also a good part of the city that remains unlit. Indira Gandhi Airport itself could do with better lighting especially on the apron side (where planes are parked). There’s just barely enough light here. The airport here is quite large - Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is one of the smallest, actually, the smallest country airport I have been through. At the airport, a guard did stop our troupe of 5 black people, inspected our tickets, and our yellow fever booklets, before letting us through. He did n...
Kenya, Africa: General life and a dash of ICT usually with a satirical and critical sprinkling.