Of course the Image is copied from http://calvinandhobbes.wikia.com/wiki/Writer%27s_Block On Wednesday morning, like any other Wednesday, I emptied my waste basket into a polythene "paper" bag, and left it outside for collection, before boarding a matatu to work. However, unlike other Wednesdays, I received a text message from a friend, telling me that he had "seen my story in the Nation". I ignored it, thinking that probably he had seeing a similar story , with facts similar and assumed that someone had copied my story. Getting into the office, I was checking on recent stories I have written and how other media houses reported them, when I stumbled onto an article titled " Tech gurus caught napping as 103 websites hacked " . While the story of the hacking was exposed on the Security Forum, I was arguably the first journalist to cover it, with a little bit more facts that I added from some research and my experience.
Kenya, Africa: General life and a dash of ICT usually with a satirical and critical sprinkling.