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Showing posts from August, 2009

Kazi kwa Vijana and other Idiots

Well, its has been quite a while since I made my last blog post. Well , I decided to take a small break in order to come up with fresh, and hopefully better ideas. During the short break, I made a tragic mistake of visiting the drought ravished ukambani area. What I saw during this short visit made my heart leap out of my mouth (as my English teacher would have put such feelings that i felt). It made me almost give up on the meaning of life in this blessed country of ours. I mean, whoever came up with "kazi kwa vijana" must have been a big idiot. Yeah, the roads looked neat with all the work that Kazi kwa vijana had done, but rather than applaud them, their results sickened me. It reminded me of a certain college class in which we covered ethics and the issue of jobs left when machines take over jobs done by people. I didn't have the slightest idea that I would live to see a day when hundreds of men would take over a job meant for one machine known as a grader, or commonl...