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Showing posts from March, 2009

Keeping the Church Holy: The church, 1 week Ago, 1 year ago and 71 years ago

I do not like writing about the church, unless am writing about its religious deeds. Worst of all, I do not like judging the church. So, I will just document a few happenings involving politics and the church, which took place last week, last year and about 71 years ago. The events do not take place ion the same place, but have much in common. During the Spanish civil war , which was fought from 1936 -1939, and which set pace for the second world war, most Catholics and Catholic Clergy supported the nationalist movement against which the secular Republicans were fighting against. This proved to be quite catastrophic for the majority catholic nation during the war. It was said that the Nationalist used Catholic chapels and Monasteries as their hideouts, and launched attacks from them. This prompted The Republicans to attack Catholic Chapels and Monasteries. Republican Strongholds lost trust in the Roman Catholic Church, and many clergymen were killed in the war. About 70 years later, du...

The Stone Age

Examples of stone age tools used in current dcision making As I was walking along a certain street in Kahawa Wendani, i had to tread slowly on stones that had been laid on the road by a contractor who was paving the road on behalf of a certain supermarket. On a parallel street, another supermarket had paved the road all the way to its parking. This got me thinking that road construction has now turned from been a government affair to a private enterprise affair. I thought the reasons that private enterprises were now taking to pave roads is because of failure of state organs to do their jobs.This is because the concerned state organs are stuck in a stone age. Wikipedia defines "stone age" is 'The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric time period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking'. For this article, we shall define the stone age as a current time frame during which humans widely use stones for decision making or exist in an environment similar to one expe...

Triggers, Trigger-Pulling and a case of a World War

Ww1-1914.jpg (JPEG Image, 1241x961 pixels) - Scaled (50%) The Geramn(red) and French(blue) mobilization map Just the other day, as a bullet lodged inside a dead student triggered riots, it got me thinking about triggers. It got me thinking about how someone, decided to pull a trigger on a students, who was protesting against a group of people pulling their triggers on 2 activists, and how the whole issue triggered a peaceful demonstration. Something else then triggered the peaceful demonstration to change into a looting spree. Notice that we are talking about what triggered the events, and not what caused them. If you wonder what the difference between the two, I will go at great lengths to differentiate them. Basically, an event can and is usually caused by many things, but usually, the event will not occur until it is triggered. For example, in when Egerton students rioted a few days ago, it was said that they had been harbouring grievances which had gone unanswered for a long time....

It simply does not add up

Somebody just pointed out to me a document's final copy -which I designed, wrote, printed and distributed- that had a mathematical error resulting in a total figure that was Ksh. 200 short of the components that add up to it. I told him to ignore it, since most of the readers would not notice it. After all, it is not the first nor the last thing in your life that does not add up. The issue of things not adding up starts from the mathematics class room, and goes on top include many other things in our life. It simply does not add up. Mathematics used to be an easy subject for me, until a certain point in life where sums simply stopped adding up. I guess it is the same fore most of us. I guess things stopped adding up when the alphabet started creeping slowly into simple mathematics that had involved figures. That did not stop there, strange symbols, Greek alphabets and whole theories were soon added to the mix. It was no longer an operation of numbers, but functions like integration...


Been a student, I have been trying to do a lot of academic research of late.Do not ask me for the results of the above research, since a separate research done by others found out that most of the research done in this university gathers dust in the library in which I am now seated. In case you are wondering about me suffering the same fate, ie gathering dust, the chief librarian has assured me that it takes a number of years in one position to gather significant dust, in this library. therefore, I am unlikely to suffer the same fate, since the library is closed at half past eleven in the night. He also assured me that the likelihood of me been locked in the library is quite low, and if it did happen, he would have to research on how it happened. However, I pointed out to him that a similar research conducted to find out if shoppers had been locked in a burning store was halted due to lack of eye witnesses. Nobody has researched on the lack of eye witnesses, which apparently could have...